Championnat du club --- club championship

Victoire de L'équipe Messervier en finale après dix bouts âprement disputés!

Dominic Messervier, Joannie Lafontaine, Matthew Angelus et Kevin Rioux

Victory for Messervier team in the final after 10 contested ends!


Championnat du club --- club championship --- runner up

Congratulations to Team Mitchell for their nice run during the Ladder Championship (Matt Mitchell, Nathalie Audet, John Gammon & Celia Roussel)!   They lost in a very competitive final against Team Messervier.


Championnes du Ladies Curling Association Défi Ted Thompson - Ladies Curling Association Ted Thompson champions


Gagnants/Winners - Double - Trophée de la plaque d'argent/ Silver plate Trophy

Johanne Tremblay et/and Luc Guérin

Félicitations/Congratulations !!!


Gagnants/Winners - Ronde/Round Stephenson

Félicitations/Congratulations !!!

Jean Morency (2e), Michel Leblanc (Skip), Marcel Lafleur (3e), Mickey Mac Farlane abs. (Lead)


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